

I am pleased to offer my recommendation of Linda Kennyhertz and Strategic Change Associates, whom I have professionally known for two years as my ‘career coach.’

During our working relationship, Linda has helped me focus on my long term career roadmap and goals while helping me to realize the value of my professional experience and skill sets. In doing so, I have grown more confident in my abilities and future potential.

I have also seen a tangible return on my investment; over the past two years I have received positive performance reviews, I have been elevated to higher levels with greater responsibilities within my organization, and I have received more than a 20% salary increase.

Linda has been and continues to be a great source of guidance as I continue to grow as a professional.

— JS

Thank you for all you do for me! I am so fortunate to have you guiding me through life!

— AC

I worked closely with Linda for about a year. She was instrumental in my success in both my personal and professional endeavors. When I started working with Linda, I was in a toxic work environment and extremely unhappy in my job at my former company. I had issues with my boss, was working 12 to 15 hour days, and was very poorly paid. Over the course of the year, I obtained a new job at a top company where my salary doubled. I now have an awesome, supportive boss and team, and I am taken seriously as a young professional.

During our coaching sessions, Linda actively listened to my issues and concerns as well as my hopes and ideas for the future. Linda is a very positive, uplifting, knowledgeable and intelligent person. She understands the problem at hand, works with you to develop a strategy, and coaches you throughout your journey. I recommend working with Linda to anyone going through a transitional period in their career. Linda will help you put a plan in motion and guide you every step of the way towards success.

— CH

Sometimes in life you need to refocus. Linda Kennyhertz helped me redefine my gifts and supported me during the process. Her knowledge of business and people provided me a way to reposition my career, and look forward to a new one.

— HK

Our goal is to help you make the changes necessary to achieve success.

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